Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reflections on the Year

This coming Monday, my small group meets for the last time before taking a break for the summer.  I'll miss my Bible study partners during the summer season, but I know the months will pass quickly and we'll be back at it before we know it.

My small group started this past fall - our aim was to study the Bible, more deeply than most of us have done in the past.  I admit that the first thing we chose to do kind of fell flat - that's the learning that accompanies trial and error I guess.  But we stuck with it, had a great conversation about what each of us is looking for, and dug in again.  These last months, we've been reading the book of Esther, with a free study guide that we found on the internet as our guide.  It was GREAT! We loved the story, and we learned so much about the period of time, and about how God works behind the scenes.  

Along the way, I've gotten to know my small group mates, and have grown to love them.  I pray for them, care about them, and I'll miss them, personally, this summer.  This coming Monday, our last time together for the year, we'll celebrate our new-found friendships, our learning during the year, and look forward to fall and what we want to do at that time.  I can't wait!

I pray your small group/life group experiences are similarly as meaningful.  If they are, I thank God for that. If they could be better, let the Small Group Ministry team know, and we can help with a small group "tune up!"  

Blessings on your small group, and on your summer.  

Here's a call out to small groups that meet in the summer - I know some of you do some fun things - tell us what they are, by responding to this post!!!